Monuments in St MaryMagdalene Church, Richmond, S. London

Richmond forms a South-West outer London borough, and is also within the historic confines of Surrey. The Church of St Mary Magdalene, Richmond, is a long building, with a short castellated tower at the front, mostly the work of 1750 on an older base. The chancel, as is noted on panels on the walls, is of 1904, G.F. Bodley being the architect. Around the inside of the church are a large variety of monuments – some 60 in all, dating from the 17th through to the early 20th Century, including a goodly number with sculptural ornament, and several with figure sculpture.

Richmond Church, 1850s view of tower, exterior and interior.

17th Century Monuments:

The collection of 17th Century wall panels is good, with one from almost every decade, and between them give a fair idea of the typical range of kneeler monuments, and portrait types.

18th Century monuments with carving:

Obelisk monument to Ann Halford, typical late 18th Century.

Plainer monuments, 18th Century:

19th Century monuments with carving:

Plainer monuments, 19th Century:

20th Century Monuments:

'Miss Braddon', relief portraiture, early 20th Century.

Also of interest:

We note en passant that there are several brasses, including a couple from the 17th Century, with inscribed pictorial ornament, and among the 19th Century revival brasses, four Gothic pieces.

Outside, we note just a few monuments:

In front of the Church as it is approached from the street stands the Richmond War Memorial, a tall cross, designed to be somewhat reminiscent of the style of an Eleanor Cross. Two short tiers of blank trefoil windows, then the main stage, with tall thin windows and a small figure of a knight facing away from the church – he is Saint George, with a small ruined dragon under his shield, and the wings up behind him like a cloak. He carries a tall sword, and behind him is a halo (for lots of St George sculpture, see this page). All in a nice beige stone, which alas, seems to have been chosen for attractiveness rather than durability.

War Memorial, and figure of St George.

With thanks to the Church authorities for permission to show pictures of the monuments inside; their website is at They asked me to stress that the information here represents my own opinions, and unrelated to the detailed current research being carried out by the Church authorities.

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Nearby on the Surrey borders are Kew Church // Mortlake Church // Twickenham Church // and York House Gardens, Twickenham

London sculpture // Sculptors // Introduction to church monuments

Angel statues // Cherub sculpture


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