Monuments in Enfield Parish Church, St Andrew

An atmospheric church with wooden, painted ceiling, wooden furnishings suitably dark, screens in the arches, and many monuments.

The exterior as we approach from the road presents a good vista; the castellated Church has fortifications on the short, square tower, along the Nave, and on the blocky south aisle which is towards us. This aisle is in brick, as is part of the porch in front of it, while the rest is of stone and flint. What we see is a mix of 14th and 15th Century and later. Thus the West Tower, characteristic of Middlesex churches, is believed to be late 14th Century, says the Commission on Historic Monuments, the Nave of similar date, the aisles of a 16th Century rebuilding, and the porch of the early 19th Century. Inside, the aisles are seen to be of similar width to the nave, and chapels have been added on either side of the chancel and altar, so the whole Church is rather broad, but there is no sense of being overly wide because of the pillars and arches to nave and chancel. The chancel arch was painted in 1925 as a War Memorial, and shows a crucifixion, angels and figures including a St George and the Dragon and St Andrew, of course, in bright, light colours (if you like St George and the Dragon art, then here is a page of sculptures on this theme).

There are something over 30 monuments in the Church, plus brasses, including several important early monuments, and a variety of later wall panels. As ever, click on the pictures to enlarge. We start with the grand altar tomb to Lady Jocasa Tiptoft, dating from as early as 1446 this really is one of the most significant early tombs in Middlesex.

Late Gothic tablet to Lieut. A.J.Smith, d.1915.

There are several brasses in the Church aside from the Tiptoft one, some just plain text, others more decorated. We may note:

Commemorative mural to WW1 on the Chancel Arch.

Among the other decoration of the Church, attention should be drawn to the painted chancel arch, with Crucifixion and attendant figures and angels, which commemorates the 1914-18 War.

All in all, this really is a church to make an effort to see for all those interested in sculpture and monuments.

Corner of interior with brasses.

Around the outside of the Church are various well-cared for monuments, including some tomb chests from the 18th and 19th Centuries. Perhaps the best is the heayy casket tomb to Samuel Garnault, d.1827, Treassurer of the New River Company, and Samuel Carver, d.1841. The casket bears carvings of upturned torches in relief, symbolic of the snuffing out of life, aas well as the remnant of the heraldic shield of the family, and light relief swirls on the edge of the lid above. There are a couple of carved coats of arms from vanished monuments set into the Churchyard wall, and among the more usual gravestones, among other relief ornamentation are two or three with skulls.

Casket tomb to Garnault and Carver, mid-19th Century.

With many thanks to the Church authorities for permission to show pictures of the monuments inside; their website is

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