St Peter in Thanet Parish Church Monuments

St Peter in Thanet, the Parish Church of Broadstairs, lies a little inland from the station. It is a low building of flint, with a short battlemented tower of the 15th Century, one full-length and one short aisle not much less high than the nave, which dates from Norman times. Inside, the feel is of breadth in the nave, height in the aisles, the two being separated by short, heavy pillars and rounded arches. The monuments, over 40 of them, are scattered around the walls and on the spandrels between the arches. They include a couple of grand panels from the late 17th Century, about 10 18th Century monuments, including a pair of altar tombs, then a good collection of 19th Century panels with examples from almost every decade of that century, which is good for those seeking a representative collection of the age. The collection is rounded off with five panels from the inter-War years of the 20th Century. Along with plain panels and simple Classical designs, the Church is particularly rich in obelisk monuments, and has as well two cartouches, and a few pieces of figure sculpture alongside the various draped and undraped pots in high relief.

St Peter in Thanet, interior view with monuments.


Altar tombs to Manases Norwoode and the heirs to the Pawlyn family:

We start with the two blocky altar tombs and the ledger stone (flat slab set in the floor) between them, this latter dedicated to Manases Norwoode, d.1636, of Dane Court and Norwoode. The ledger stone is interesting in that as well as the inscription and shield of arms, it bears a relief portrait of the deceased, showing a middle aged man with curled hair and pointed beard, and wearing plate mail – his funeral helm in plate is also in the Church. To either side are more shields of arms, six in all.

The altar tombs, and slabs to Sarah Fowler and Manases Norwoode.

A sign by the monuments notes the complex family tree of the Norwood family.

17th Century tombs to the Lovejoy family:

Elizabeth Lovejoy panel, d.1694.

18th and 19th Century monuments to the Dekewer (De Kewer) family:

Obelisk monument to Elizabeth DeKewer, d.1814.

18th and 19th Century monuments to the Gray family:

See below the monument to Thomas Reynolds, who married a member of the Gray family.

Other 18th Century monuments

19th Century monuments

We start with members of the Mockett and Isacke families, and then cover the rest, recalling that we have already covered the monument to the 19th Century member of the De Kewer family:

Monuments to the Mockett family:

Monuments to the Isacke family:

Other 19th Century monuments

Other 20th Century monuments

The three Mockett family panels have been noted above, and there are two more 20th Century monuments in the Church:

These pages do not usually note floor slabs, or ledger stones, but as well as the George Lovejoy stone noted above, we may mention in passing that there are a good collection of well-preserved 18th Century ones in the Church, including for example that to the White family, after 1740, with a songbird on the shield of arms.


There are several ancient brasses including three pairs of praying couples. As is generally the case, these are extremely satisfying from an aesthetic point of view, with an economy of line but showing a liveliness of figure and a sense of personality.

Also there are a few modern brasses, of which that to Latham Tomlin, d.1900, of Dane Tower, is typical of the breed, with blackletter inscription for extra difficulty in reading, and a border of repeating patterns, in this case leaves, and above the inscription, a shield of arms surrounded by more adventurous leaf designs.

Also in the Church:

Apart from the monuments, we may note the following:

18th Century font.

Outside, there is a war memorial in the form of a churchyard cross, more of a column actually, with the cross a small thing at the top like a lantern, above little shields bearing the crossed keys of St Peter. And behind the Church is a remarkably large graveyard, which I have not explored.

The pictures of the monuments inside the Church are included here with kind permission of the Vicar and Churchwardens of St Peter’s Church; see their website at

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