St Mary and All Saints Parish Church, Beaconsfield, Monuments

The Parish Church St Mary and All Saints, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire was put up in the late 15th Century, and given a thorough makeover in the 19th Century: what we see today is mostly the restoration, especially the exterior, though broadly on the lines of the original. The square tower is not so high, but looks good from a distance along the high street, poking above the buildings; it has oversized pinnacles at the corner. The nave, clerestory above and aisles below, all 19th Century work from outside, are in flint with stone dressings.

Inside, again mostly what we see is Victorian, including a fine lofty ceiling of wooden beams, and with a few carved half angels with broadly spread wings, in painted wood. There is some exposure of just a little medieval work, including several of the pillars and the piscina. But various of the older monuments which we have come to see have been retained. Altogether there are around 25 monuments, including several more recent ones to the Grenfell and Du Pre families. The most interesting are the two grand altar tombs, some minor figure sculpture of Victorian and later times, and a few panels of typical early 19th Century types, including a few more ornate ones.

Beaconsfield Parish Church.

Monuments of the 15th to 17th Centuries:

Also in the Church:


Among a variety of tombstones in the nicely kept churchyard are a few interesting things:

With many thanks to the authorities at St Mary & All Saints for kind permission to use pictures from inside the Church; see their website at

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Introduction to church monuments // Angel statues // Cherub sculpture

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